
K7 is a series of unique audio cassette sculptures which play generative music composed entirely from one line of code. The sculptures are comprised of numerous homemade circuit boards, LED lights and motors, each functioning as a unique physical representation of a digital musical programming language.

The set of sculptures comprise of a large deck and two individual tapes suspended inside glass vitrines reference both fetishized sleek apple products and museum artifacts of natural history. Although they appear in physical form to be familiar audio cassettes, these digital sculptures are actually living algorithms generating ever changing compositions. They seek to question our changing relationship to the digital media we consume.

Created By: Pedro Oliveira

Select Press
New York Times, Cool Hunting
Machined Aluminum, Wood, Acrylic, 3D printed Resin, Glass, Stainless Steel, Automotive Paint, Custom Electronics.

Sotheby’s New York - 2017, Bunker Gallery - 2016
Selected Projects

  1.  Backslash
  2.  X.pose
  3.  K7
  5.  Here After Institute
  6.  Rio Doce
